Finance Expert

Wojciech Węgrzyn

"You can't fail if you don't quit. You can't succeed if you don't start."

Work Experience

Mortgage Loans Expert Freelance

November 2016 - up to now | Podkarpackie

  • Acquired new clients
  • Prepared offers, counted creditworthiness, checked requirements
  • Prepared all required documentation
  • Took care of my clients after signing their loan deal

Branch Manager Bank Pocztowy SA

January 2012 - October 2016 | Lublin, Rzeszów

  • Leaded 15 persons team
  • Recruited and trained new employees
  • Set the goals, motivated, assigned tasks, controlled
  • Reported of goals realisation to the supervisors (also Excell/Powerpoint reports)

Customer Advisor Getin Noble Bank SA

June 2009 - December 2011 | Lublin

  • Acquired new clients
  • Served customers
  • Worked on realisation aims set
  • Reported to my supervisors


Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie Skłodowskiej


September 2004 - June 2009 | Lublin